Harkins Summer Movie Passes 2025

2025 Harkins Summer Movie Passes are Now Available!


Purchase your Harkins Summer Movie passes for the same price you would pay at Harkins and they will donate a portion of the proceeds back to us!

Passes must be purchased by Friday April 4th and will be delivered to student classrooms in May.


Program Details:

  • Season tickets for the 8-week program are $8 each
  • Tickets are limited at each location and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Showtimes start Monday June 2nd and end Friday July 25th
  • Movies begin at 9:45am each weekday at participating locations
  • Adults must be accompanied by children
  • Movies are subject to change without notice
  • Please direct any additional questions about the passes/program to Harkins before purchasing
  • Sales are final - we cannot accept refunds or exchanges
Item DescriptionPriceQuantity

Please enter the full name of the student and select the classroom teacher you would like the passes delivered to

Due to limited availability, your theater of choice may not be available. Please select 2 DIFFERENT theaters.

Due to limited availability, your day of choice may not be available. Please select 2 DIFFERENT days.

Please indicate the total quantity of tickets you'd like to purchase with the theater & day choices you made above.

Total Tickets
 Harkins Summer Movie Passes 2025$8.00