We Love our Magical Bobcat Crew!


Join the fun as we celebrate our entire Bridges Staff during the ABC Magical Summer Countdown, Principal Appreciation Day & Teacher Appreciation Week. We are excited to continue our Adopt a Staff Member program to ensure that our whole crew feels the love.



ABC Magical Summer Countdown

April 16th - May 21st

Bridges PTO is proud to be helping the staff with their ABC Countdown to Summer, which spans the last 26 days of the school year. This had historically been put on by the staff social committee (often times using their own personal funds) and we wanted to help them out and make it a little extra magical this year! Do you want to help us spread even more love during the ABC Magical Summer Countdown?


>>Click Here to view opportunities & sign-up today!<<


Principal Appreciation

May 1st


Bobcat Students, Parents, & Staff can create Thank You cards, notes of encouragement, or even draw pictures and drop them in the collection bins located in the Front Office from April 21st - 30th. There will be separate collection bins for Mr. Beickel and Ms. Melter.


PTO will deliver all of the hand-written encouragement to them on May 1st for Principal Appreciation Day.


We are also going to be decorating their office doors with a secret design based on your selections from our recent Principal Appreciation Survey.

CLICK HERE to complete the survey by April 4th.

Teacher Appreciation Week

May 5th - 9th


Each class will get to celebrate their homeroom teacher and their assigned staff member(s) during the week. Head on over to our Faculty Faves if you need some ideas for gifts.

>>Click Here to see the Adopted Staff Member list<<

*Note: You will need to be logged into your PTO Membership account in order to view the Faculty Faves webpage.  



 Check out the details on each day of Teacher Appreciation Week Below


More Details


Monday 5/5

Channel your inner Weasley Twins and tell your favorite joke or a funny story to your Homeroom Teacher & Adopted Staff Member today.


Tuesday 5/6

Create a handwritten Thank You Card or Draw a Picture and bring it to your Homeroom Teacher & Adopted Staff Member today.


Wednesday 5/7

Bring a small treat to your Homeroom Teacher & Adopted Staff Member today.

Need some suggestions? Check out their Faculty Faves here.

*Note: You will need to be a fully enrolled member and logged into your PTO account in order to view the Faculty Faves page.


Thursday 5/8

Give a Hagrid-sized High Five or Fist Bump to your Homeroom Teacher & Adopted Staff Member each time you see them today.


Friday 5/9

Wear your House Colors or Spirit Gear today and join us at the Bobcat Breakfast in the gym from 7am - 7:45am. Snap a photo of your Bobcat with their Homeroom Teacher & Adopted Staff Member.

Need a refresher on your House Assignment? CLICK HERE to view the sorting.



Thanks for helping us spoil our Magical Bobcat Crew!